Fruit Prints
These are matted reproduction prints of historical drawings *. When you frame these prints they make an ideal display for the kitchen, a bar or where ever you would like a bright colorful piece of wall art.
Be aware that the edge of the mattes opening for your print is bevel cut so your print will not
touch the glass of the frame you use, plus the light color matte enhances the colors of the image.
Ready to frame.
Only $18.95 each FREE SHIPPING when you purchase 2 prints. Buy 5 prints and get 1 more Free
* The original prints were made at different times and on different paper stocks used,
therefore background coloring may vary.

Passion Fruit


Red Currant


Pippin Apple

Blue Pearmain Apple

Crab Apple
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$18.95 each Order a pair and get Free Shipping
If you are interested in prints would you like to view the Golf prints by Norman Orr.